
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Registry Editor for Windows Mobile 6.1

Registry Editor for Windows Mobile 6.1

I has posted up a forum regarding registry editor for windows mobile 6.1 in the phone section this forum.
Linley Meslier has recommended me PHM registry editor........
I has posted up a forum regarding registry editor for windows mobile 6.1 in the phone section this forum.
Linley Meslier has recommended me PHM registry editor.

It was recommended that I download the desktop installer via ActiveSync. However, after I have install the software into my PC. then double click the .exe files to transfer it into my phone program files, nothing happen. the only thing that happen is the add / remove program in activesync pop up. that's it.nothing else happen.

i noticed that the version was from the year 2002. it is due to the version at that time is meant for WM5.0?
Can anyone advise me on this problem? Thanks!

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